A Modernist Study in Middlemarch: A Multidimensional Approach toward the Novel

A Modernist Study in Middlemarch: A Multidimensional Approach toward the Novel

A Modernist Study in Middlemarch: A Multidimensional Approach toward the Novel

نوع فایل :PDF تعداد صفحات :6 سال انتشار :1394 چکیده Emerged as a non-conformist representative of the Nineteenth-century era, George Eliot’s Middlemarch is considered to be among the best works of the England’s canon of literature, for enjoying both the entertaining didacticism and literary seriousness. Contrary to the social mannerism and literary conventions of the time, George Eliot revealed a genius image of reality in its modern sense of the word. The current article seeks to manifest the elements of Realism, Modernism and Feminism as Eliot’s major innovations by referring to Middlemarch, as her masterpiece. In so doing, one must analytically refer to the constant shifting narrative voices who interferes with subjective judgments...

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A Modernist Study in Middlemarch: A Multidimensional Approach toward the Novel

مرجع دانش پارس,Multidimensional,Middlemarch,مقالات زبان خارجه

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